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Showing posts from March, 2006

Big deal about Bush

All of yday evg and the whole of today the country, specially the media is going beserk on Bush reaching India.... I understand that its not everyday that US president visits India... but then this president is not worth all this hype... how can we forget 9/11.... it was his govt's security lapse and intelligence failure that led it to happen.... then Afganistan war.... Iraq war... At Iraq he had no agenda of his own but was just fulfilling his dad's agenda... how can we forget the human right's commissions reports on how american soldiers are treating the iraqi prisoners... This man is no reformer.... If we as a country want to fight for justice and stand for what is right than we cannot and should not treat him so highly. I understand that economically we need US and they need us, but then we should also speak against them when they are out there to kill innocent people and just capture states.... When Clinton was here as President, I just was too ecstatic that he had vis...

Finally I am here....

I have views on so many things in life but no place or platform to share... For any current topic I would have my views as well but no discussion forum. I would get ideas at the weirdest of times and moments when I can't even write in my diary.... and finally today i have after much procastination created my own blog... when i was deciding a name for my blog I thot of all sensible names but all were taken and then i came with this one... "kabtak" sounds quite apt... I want to use this space to pen my thots on everything around me from Jessica lal, to Bush visit to cricket frenzy to the changing media scenario to the changing value system and everything else.... Life around us is so full of activity.... and i am amazed how the surroundings with so much happenings never really bothered me earlier... we all are so preoccupied in our own lives that the social structure and all that is woven around it never crossed my horizons. I never realised why i am a supporter of a parti...