More rejection Little acceptance More failures Few successes Years of endless hours alone Only some in the public eye... Countless fiascos Few eureka moments Lots of black and grey Few Reds and yellows Many not-nows Few red dots with wows Many will say, awesome You are an artist Few will understand, why... More times with no funds Few with surplus More times of being in red Few in blue Many years of waiting Before the fame, if ever No retirement, no pension Ideas constantly brewing You chose to be an artist Unparallel joy To forget the pain Marks left To go on after one has gone Issues immortalised Moments frozen Emotions etched Anger splashed Walls adorned Metro stations beautified Homes brightened Souls replenished Awards won Works validated Articles written People inspired You chose to be an artist A life never easy Like a trek up the hill Incredible view; deep valley Two sides of the same coin A mixed bag ...
Painting with words, telling stories, expressing life...