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Perfect Morning

The cool breeze from the window made me curl up. I was aware that it was about time when the alarm would go off. I was already ready to put it on the snooze for just 5 more minutes. Today I didn’t want to get up. I wanted those 5 minutes of extra sleep. The faint breeze, the morning fragrance and 5 minutes of extra sleep; I didn’t want anything more. Lying there I knew that you would open the door for the maids, switch on the water pump and get the tea ready.

I felt you near the bed. You ruffled my hair and sneaked your hand inside the quilt to stroke my back. Your cold hands touched my neck and made me shiver and I turned the other way taking your hand along with me. I felt your hand slipping inside my shirt and stroking my bare back and moving to wherever the fingers guided it. Occasionally touching my breasts and moving away after teasing them. I felt your warm breath on my ear. I could hear the pattern of your breathing too. Your smell filled my space and I found you so very close to me. I moved to make way for you to snuggle beside me. Instead you tickled me and when I kicked, jumped aside. I opened my eyes to find you there, smiling. The tea and paper was on the side table. It was a perfect morning. I wanted to sleep again. I knew you would take care of everything. I smiled and stretched and hugged you. Were you for real…?

The alarm rang. I opened my eyes- 6’ O’Clock. I turned and looked the other side- a plain bed and an unruffled side. The pillow was neatly in its place. The quilt still folded. It was a perfect un-slept bed. I reach out and found no one. I recalled, last year- oh yes last year same day, you had walked out of the home, to be on your own, or so you said.

I know you are not alone and I know where you are. As I lay in the bed, the visuals of the year gone by roll in front of my eyes. Feelings like a carnivorous creeper, threaten to grip me. Tell me, while I dream with my open eyes, are you making tea for her at this moment.

© shubhra 27/10/09


atanu said…
very good! well expressed sentiments,love and longing.
Max Babi said…
Very lovingly written dear Shubhra. Very visual, very graphic, but then what else to expect from a painter who writes?

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