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Today was different…

Today was different, she had warned him but he paid no heed.

He smiled and walked towards her, “Come baby”, he cajoled her. She moved back gazing intensely at him and his moves. He probably presumed that she was teasing him.

“Come on give me a hug”, he said as he caught her hand and pulled her close. He thought she was teasing him.

“Don’t you touch me man”, she said firmly trying to wriggle out from his grip.

He came closer and pulled her to him, her warnings fell on deaf ears. She left her self loose and allowed to be pulled, only to pull herself back and lift her right leg high enough to kick him in his stomach.

He was caught off guard, he stumbled and saved himself from a fall, “Are you mad,” he shouted, “What’s wrong with you?”

Before he could finish the sentence, another strong blow hit him right between his legs. She had regained herself from the 1st blow and this time hit him straight where she wanted to.

“I had told you, don’t touch me”, she screamed.

He had by now fallen on the floor and was moaning in pain. He was more shocked than angry. He tried to move but in vain.

“You bitch”, he screamed at her, “What did I do?”

“I had told you to stay away from me. Every day is not the same; you can no longer force anything on me, your ideas, your life and yourself. Get up and go and never ever mess with me.”

He was confused, he had no clue what had hit him, as he looked at her in pain and shock the lights dimmed and the curtains fell.

The audience stood up and applauded the brilliant performances of all the actors. Sheila and Raza the main leads along with other cast came onto the stage and bowed to the audience. It was a full house. The director was pleased with the show and the response.

Everyone was talking about the play and the brilliant end to the 90 min fast paced story. Sheila, packed her stuff and was ready to leave, smiling at the people she met on her way out, acknowledging the greetings and wishes. She was there and yet had already moved far and away, beyond the boundaries into her own house and her own life.

Today was different she knew it if only he did too. She reached home, made some tea and switched on the television. Her mind was racing in various directions, back and forth, past to present, near and far. Events from her life some of consequence and some not, all flashing in her mind. She had decided something this morning and at last she was sure about her decision. The bell rang and she got up to open the door.

“What’s this attitude of yours it really pisses me man. Why could you not come with us for a drink after the play?”

tumhari dher taang ki khichadi har samay pakti hai… kya kar rahi ho tum yahan ghar pe, koi behuda sa program dekh rahi hogi…

He walked in, shutting the door behind him. He followed her into the next room, shouting.

“You spoilt the entire evening for me” he continued jerking his head as he went past her.

Achcha kuch khane ko hai ghar main?”

He asked authoritatively as he turned towards her. Seeing her ignore his question, he reached for her grabbing her by the shoulder...

“haath mat lagao mujhe, micro wave main biryani rakhi hai, garam kar ke kha lo” She replied shirking him away and walked into the living room.

“Wah kya mizaz hain! Aaj stage pe do tali kya mil gayi, tumhara dimag chad gaya hai? Aao idhar jyada bhaw mat khao” he smirked at her while reaching for the microwave.

He did not bother to ask if she had something to eat. As he sat at the dinning table he peeped into the living room to see if there was any reaction from Sheila. Sheila continued to gaze at the television while switching channels. Her phone rang and he saw her take the call. She was smiling and talking to someone. He could not hear the conversation but heard an occasional Sheila’s trade mark high pitched laugh. He left his food midway and got up to go to her.

“I am calling you there can’t you hear?” he shouted, while Sheila was still on the phone.

“Just a minute”, Sheila said on the phone and then putting her hand on the mouth piece, looked at Raza, “can’t you see I am on the phone, what it is, that you want?” she said animatedly keeping her voice low.

“Keep the phone down and come with me right away”, he shouted and grabbed her by the arm pulling her from the couch.

The phone fell and she cried in pain at his grip. She pushed him away and regaining balance grabbed the phone, “Mr. Sharma, thank you for the wishes, I’ll call you in a while if that is fine with you”, she quickly murmured and disconnected the phone. By this time Raza was up and had cornered her. She freed herself by wriggling out through the space between the couch and the pot in the corner. Raza was shouting and abusing her. He tried to reach for her as she rushed to the other room. He finally got hold of her wrist and tried to pull her towards him.

Next thing he knew he was on the ground, clueless of what hit him. He was in pain and it was getting dark in front of him. The sounds of the television were fast fading and all he could hear was her voice, “I told you today was different”

© Shubhra August 2, 2010


atanu said…
fast paced and racy..just like the play..differently structured..liked it!
Priyanka Sinha said…
as i reached the last word, a smile crept up my face......

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