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If I were to be something else

If I were to be something else 
tree I would be
Devdar or a mighty oak
Standing tall on the mountain slopes

My roots be spread far and deep
Entwined with the others near me
Holding tight to the soil, 
Rocks and water

As would be my branches 
Shooting up to the sky... 
Bare and naked in autumn and winter
Shedding all that I have  
Carpet of brown leaves beneath
On which I walk carefully
In another world 
Where I don this human form

In the other months
The branches lush green with foliage 
Allowing the sun to sprinkle itself 
From between to reach the ground
As I sit under, In my human form,
I capture the magic of light and shade...  

Nothing lasts forever and fade we must
Mightiest of trees also go... 
So when time comes let me fall silently
On a dark monsoon night

Fall such that the path is not blocked
That me in my human form can still walk past on The  hike to the jungles
And occasionally rest on me for a while 
As I tie my shoe lace. 
A moment saved forever

A tree (that's me) silently lies
Hikers climb on top or sometimes duck beneath
And cross me admiring the size as they pass 
Often taking a selfie with me...
An occasional artist takes some close ups to Render them on  the canvas later... 

And some day a wood cutter 
Lays his eyes on me
Cuts me into logs 
Takes me to a workshop 
Where I am reshaped 
Into rocking chairs... 

And when in my human form 
I have a yellow house in the hills
Two of these rocking chairs 
Made of my wood 
Will be there in the porch  
For me to sit on
As I watch the sunset silently, holding hands
Along with another... 

My past, my present 
And my future form
Meet in a yellow house in the hills
Surrounded by Oaks and Devdar... 

Next time, when I cross
A tall and mighty tree... 
Who knows 
It could very well be me 
From another Life, 
In another time... 
A mighty Oak or Devdar 
Standing tall on a mountain slope

Holding on to the past
Only hope for the future... 

(c) shubhra 
August 2, 2022


Rajesh K Sharma said…
Beautiful poetry..
Photo ki wajah se aur bhi gahre utar paya.

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