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You chose to be an artist...

More rejection
Little acceptance
More failures
Few successes

Years of endless hours alone
Only some in the public eye... 
Countless fiascos
Few eureka moments

Lots of black and grey
Few Reds and yellows
Many not-nows
Few red dots with wows

Many will say, awesome 
You are an artist
Few will understand, 

More times with no funds 
Few with surplus
More times of being in red
Few in blue

Many years of waiting
Before the fame, if ever
No retirement, no pension
Ideas constantly brewing

You chose to be an artist

Unparallel joy
To forget the pain
Marks left 
To go on after one has gone

Issues immortalised
Moments frozen 
Emotions etched 
Anger splashed

Walls adorned
Metro stations beautified 
Homes brightened 
Souls replenished

Awards won
Works validated 
Articles written
People inspired

You chose to be an artist 

A life never easy 
Like a trek up the hill
Incredible view; deep valley
Two sides of the same coin

A mixed bag my dear
Anxiety and fear
Endless thrill
Satiated soul

One of a kind breed
On colours and forms they feed
They fall and get up
They chose to be an artist... 

I chose to be an artist... 

(c) shubhra 
May 30th, 2023 


Anurag said…
A life lived in sync with ourselves and the greater universe
mohita suri said…
beautifully expressed
Anonymous said…
Good one.
It is God’s special gift to be an artist.
So beautifully expressed Shubhra. Keep spreading the colours and weaving the words around them.
Q W Naqvi said…
By error my comment got posted as anonymous.
I said, It is God’s special gift to be an artist.
Shruti Binay said…
How beautifully expressed!!! It’s so us !!
Amit said…
Beautifully written.I think all the artists can relate very well to it.
Rajesh K Sharma said…
Beautifully expressed :)
Ashutoshpb said…
You recognised the special in you and that is so special and precious! I recall a statement by an artist from Gujarat:”an artist is not a special person. Every person is a special artist, unrecognised most often. “
Priya Khemani said…
Lovely painting! Painted with words!

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