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It was a Friday Afternoon…

It was a Friday Afternoon…
I was restless through the day today. I got a message from you this morning that you want to meet and are coming over. It was on a Friday afternoon about a month or so ago when we had last met.
The door bell rang at the precise time you had indicated. You came in and sat on the blue velvet couch lying in the corner near the window. You switched on the Television set and surfed the channels mindlessly barely stopping for 10 seconds on each channel. I got you water and went back to make some coffee. The air in the room was heavy. It was difficult to stand there near you. Keeping down the coffee beside you, I softly asked what it was that had brought you here. You fiddled with your coffee mug, brushed your hand through your hair, rubbed your nose and then looked at me uncomfortably.
Bolo, What do you want to say?” I said shaking inside.
Rock hard exterior but my insides were churning. I had no idea what you would say, but I knew you were about to alter my world.
“I am getting married”.
“To whom? I mean who is the girl”?
“I had met her 4 months back”.
“Last 4 years you have not been able to decide whether you can marry me or not and in 4 months, you know you have to marry her”. I said my face flushing with anger.
You had no answers.
“Tell me is she better than me? How is she better, in brains, in beauty, in bed? Tell me?
You had no answers.
I was shaking with anger and you got up and held me tight. I wanted to rip apart but couldn’t free myself from your grip. My world was crashing down like the twin towers and here I was in the arms of my bomber. You freed me, picked up your keys and quietly left the house.
Minutes later, the door bell rang and I pulled myself to open the door. It was the courier guy. There was an envelop for me. I looked at the address and tried to open it in haste as if I knew what would be inside. As I read the contents printed on the crisp white sheet of paper I sank into the couch.
The ways of the world are had just left, walked out on me; and now you seemed to be walking in again through another door.
© Shubhra


Santosh Namby said…
Interesting reading, nice prose.....
Inexplicably said…
Unknown said…
hi ma'am ..this is monika your article ..truly amazing .... i loved the way you have written so thoughtfully which takes the person actually imagine the feelings which are hiddien deep inside ....
Max Babi said…
Very vivid, visual sketch in words, Shubhra -feels like just a sip of red wine, one hankers for more ! You should develop this into a longer one act play script.

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